Here is some text
Below are some images with captions:
This was for a local business man’s home. Click here for more
In The Air
Now That’s a Big Spool!
“Where do you want to eat tonight, Bob?”
You can even do longer sections, for example to describe a project that the photo shows, like “This was for a deflanging manipulator of an agitated cross-spectrum carbunkle. We had to go in and …” But as you can see, it kind of throws off the clean look of the page. Unless you have a row with equal height photos that have the same number of lines. See far right.
As you can see, this one has the same height and number of text lines that the first one in this row has. Let me repeat that. As you can see, this one has the same height and number of text lines that the first one in this row has. As you can see, this one has the same height and number of text lines that the first one in this row has. This one also links, but this time we’re linking to an internal page.